Free Wi-Fi
Compliments of the Metropolitan Library System
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Terms and Conditions
Free Wi-Fi
The Metropolitan Library System is pleased to offer free wireless Internet access to customers with appropriately equipped wireless devices at 19 libraries. The MLS Wireless Zone has been designed to support a wide-range of Wi-Fi (802.11g, 802.11n, and 802.11ac) equipped notebooks, PDAs, and other devices.
Use of the wireless service is governed by the Library's Internet Use Policy. Any activities deemed illegal apply to you whether or not you are on a Library-owned computer or your own computer. Furthermore, security hardware and software will disconnect you temporarily or permanently from the entire wireless network if you attempt to circumvent standard procedures and protocols, or attempt to access or manipulate equipment to which you are not authorized to connect. Any illegal activity will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Limitations and Disclaimers
  • MLS Wi-Fi access is as secure as any open public access network, like public telephones and dial-up Internet accounts. It is always a good idea to make sure that you are on an SSL-encrypted web page prior to sending or receiving confidential data.
  • The MLS Internet access is filtered.
  • Printers are not directly accessible via the wireless network. You can print by using our PrinterOn service.
  • Please note that the Library cannot assist you with your laptop, card or configuration. The Library cannot accept the liability of handling your equipment.
Configuration Settings
In many instances, wireless devices will automatically detect the MLS Wireless Zone and configure themselves to use the system. If your device does not connect right away, please try the following:
  • Make sure your wireless network adapter has been properly installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Use the management software that came with your wireless device to confirm that your configuration settings match the values shown below:
    • NETWORK NAME or (SSID): any or MetroLibraryGuest
    • NETWORK MODE: Infrastructure
    • WEP: Disabled
    • IP or NETWORK SETTINGS: DHCP enabled or Obtain an IP address automatically
    • DNS: Obtain DNS address automatically
    • GATEWAY: No default gateway set - your card should detect it automatically
  • Save any modified settings and restart your device as required
Internet Use Policy
The library strives to facilitate equal information-access to every individual in our community. The Internet provides access to information far beyond the confines of the physical library. Through the application of this policy, the library endeavors to comply with all state and federal laws and provide all constitutionally protected information available on the Internet to all interested library customers.
While the Internet offers access to a wealth of material that is enriching, it also enables access to some material that may be offensive, disturbing and/or illegal. For this reason, the Metropolitan Library System requires only filtered access to the Internet when using library connections. The Metropolitan Library Commission and/or the Library System assume no responsibility whatsoever for use of the Internet by library customers of any age.
The library offers connectivity to the Internet via:
  • Networked public library computers
  • Wireless access where customers use their own wireless capable devices
  • Internet, according to Merriam-Webster is "the electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world".
  • Wireless Internet access enables customers, with their own equipment, to connect to the Internet without wires or cables. Internet access is within a range of 'hotspots'. With wireless Internet, the library offers the connection to the Internet while the customer uses their own wireless capable device.
  • Filtered access means that the library uses a commercial product that blocks access to view specific Internet content defined by specific criteria. This is sometimes referred to as a 'technology protection measure'.
Accessing the Internet via the library’s computers and wireless Internet with customers’ own wireless capable devices is eligible to all customers and all users agree to:
  • Abide by library policies and procedures.
  • Accept full responsibility for use of the Internet.
  • Hold the library blameless for materials they or their child acquires on the Internet.
Internet Service Support
The library offers Internet access for its customers at all agencies, and will provide:
  • Training and operational support documents.
  • Expert library staff who are available to help adults and children find the material that they are seeking, regardless of format.
  • Assistance to adult Internet users doing bonafide research, or other lawful purposes, who are unable to access an Internet site because of the filter.